Thursday, February 23, 2012

google changes

I am learning that the Google Friend Connect will be dropped by Google. I am not sure how that will affect our blog because GFC  shows there are only 5 followers (thank you family members!).  Since I am brand new to blogging and not sure how to add other widgets for followers to click on please follow via email. I have read that bloggers using "blogger" will not be affected but not sure so please take notice of the "follow by email" box on the sidebar - place your email address in the box and hit "submit", you should then receive updated notices via your email whenever there is a new post.  If you are experienced with following blogs and can give me some information please pass it on and I will post it so others can learn too! This change from Google should occur March 1st. 


1 comment:

  1. done... i was already signed up for email... was not sure if i had done that or not so now i know that i have...
    by the way i loved your last blog about how you and Dave met and forgot to reply so here is my reply....
