Saturday, January 14, 2012

quick update

I have been asked about Dave's EEG results which means I forgot to let everyone know that they were "normal". The Dr was looking for any kind of seizure activity but guess there were none! I posted before that the Dr increased the dosage of his Galantamine and he started that this week, so far so good! Have a good weekend!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Aunt Monica and Uncle Dave,
    Thank you for your blog and for sharing everything. I've been reading and following and keeping you in my prayers.
    All my love,

    1. Damian, Thank you for your prayers. We know that the only way we can make this journey is with God by our side and we appreciate the intercession. Please know that I pray for you also. I pray that you will hear what God is saying to you in your heart and with confidence and boldness you will follow. I have no doubt that you are destined to great works in the name of God as I have seen His light in you already. I would like to specifically request prayer for us to use our situation for God, that we some how show God to others through what we are experiencing. Love you much, Aunt Monica

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