Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dealing with conversations.

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone.  We traveled to Kansas City so I could spend some time with my family. This was our first holiday without either parent and Dave knew that it would be important for me and my siblings to be together, and I think he knew I could use someone to talk with.

Dave & Anita
We enjoyed our visit with Anita (Dave's sister) when she came into town earlier this month. It was so good for Dave to sit and talk with family.  She gave us the break we needed as we were still in the early stages of comprehending how things will be different. She also gave us some books regarding early stages of Alzheimer's that have been  a HUGE help. I was glad to see how much this visit helped Dave to relax and become more accepting of the changes.  She was great at brain storming thoughts with and on possible things we could do to help ourselves.  These were simple ideas that we didn't think of as we were consumed with the diagnosis-physical activity, diet changes, fresh air etc.. Anita is lively, positive, and a breath of fresh air. She is an advocate for Dave.

Just as I saw how beneficial this visit with Anita was to Dave I think he knew I needed the same from my family. I did spend some time talking with my sister Linda but mostly it was just being around someone who we both could be relaxed around and I knew would take her time with Dave and not rush him to talk or talk "around" him, or be uncomfortable with him. We both needed that so much as we still find it difficult to be in large gatherings. Dave had time to talk one on one with Linda and others during Thanksgiving and it appeared to me that he did well with his thought process.  He was able to complete his sentences and follow through on his responses to others. One thing I did miss was his quick wit when there was friendly teasing.  Being quick witted is no longer part of him as he needs the time to think of the words. I was concerned how people would be with Dave. Everyone in the family knows about his diagnosis but the very nature of people when around someone who is "ill" or "disabled" or just different they have the tendency to be afraid or ignore the "ill" person. Our hope though through this blog is to put everyone at ease but also to remind you that Dave is still a person who is alert and aware and should not be dismissed. Talk with him, laugh with him, listen to him but just take your time and please give him the time to finish his thoughts and he can finish the conversation.

Our Thanksgiving was filled with tears, laughter and lots of one on one conversation. All done with love!

The trip to Kansas City is something we all needed. It was good for all of us, getting together with family and a change of scenery. It was good for me to get around other people, it helped me with my thought processes. I feel that I was able to slow down on my thinking and learn to form my words. I believe I am learning how to speak easier, sometimes I tend to lose my thoughts and I try to give myself a few seconds to form what I am trying to say.  Sometimes I lose my thought all together, just give me a few seconds and if I can't find the words at that moment, I will say "Give me a bit and I will tell you later."  Just give me time, it does come back. I used to feel embarrassed with my new way of speaking, any more that is how it will be. I am learning to accept it and work around it, I just ask that you not be embarrassed for me or too embarrassed or awkward to talk with me.

I like reading your comments, we just haven't figured out how to respond but know that we read them all and appreciate them.  We like to hear from others how you are doing, and prayer request. Prayer is one thing I know I can do as God understands what is in my heart even if I can't verbalize it.


  1. Thankagiving was a wonderful time this year even with the loss of parents. we have all been blessed with a chance to begin a new phase in our lives even with all of the bumps that we have already started experiencing. We have had a door open that will allow all of us to find a deeper more meaningful meaning of love. I know that this is a very difficult time for both of you and your families but oh how much you have already gained and learned just now in he beginning processes of your future journey.

    Dave, you are a great person with a tender heart and quiet personality. You are a loving, understanding and patient person with I know an inner strength that shines through. Taking the steps to let us all know you and not being afraid to say aloud "Give me a bit and I will tell you later" and not being embarrassed by admitting aloud to your dimentia is evidence of this strength. I feel blessed and honored to know you and to know that you feel comfortable in my home. This is what love is all about. Loving others enough to let them share this with you and trusting that others understand. You see, we love you for who you are and accept every part of you which includes your illness. If you know this in your heart it will always be there even when your brain does not tell you; your heart will know! Your heart and spirit will always know Monica, your children, your family and all those your love. Guess I really didn't need to tell since you already know this but you know me! You are in my prayers daily and I know you have the strength to make it through this. We are all fine here but like everyone we can use your prayers! Love you!

    Monica, it was wonderful to have shared this Thanksgiving with you and the kids. Missed Matthew and his family but when that time is right we will see him. How wonderful it is that we have found each other and come together during this time. As we have discussed God works in strange ways and he has chosen this time for us to have found our way to each other. I know that this is a difficult time but believe me you and Dave will make it through this because you are not alone. God has brought you two together because he knows only the two of you could help each other and love each other enough to make it through this. What a wonderful blessing!

    I enjoy every minute we have had together and the talks we have had no matter how crazy and deep our talks have been. We have laughed and cried, we have shared and at times even seen things from different viewpoints. How great to be able to establish a relationship where we can forgive and have an unconditional love as sisters. These talks have been a healing process for me and I hope you feel the same way. If you don't, the healing will come in time. Each day will always be a new experience for you because you will discover new things about Dave and yourself. One thing you can say that a lot of others can't say is that your life will not be boring! (lol) You will learn to cherish each moment of each day and will not take things for granted. We don't all get that experience, we take things for granted! I love you and am always here for the good and the bad which I know is what mom and dad wanted us to learn and practice with each other. I feel honored to know that you, Dave and the kids feel at home when you come here because that is how I want everyone to feel. I love you and you know I am always here for you and your family. I pray each day for God to bless you with the strength, wisdom, courage, fortitude, and patience you will need to make it through this. You also need to know that even if Dave cannot remember your name one day, he knows you in his heart and spirit. This is far greater that knowing you by name since anyone can forget a name but knowing the real you and loving the real you in their heart is a greater blessing. I love you!

  2. Thank you Linda, you brought tears to our eyes. We love you! We will be (have been) praying for you all.
